Workers’ Compensation
Let’s protect your employees from work-related injuries
Ensure you’re getting the coverage both you and your employees need
Workers compensation insurance provides benefits to employees for work-related illness and injuries. This type of protection covers many possible scenarios including medical care, emergency room visits, wages from lost work, recuperation time, and more. These kinds of injuries are commonplace to all workplace environments and you and your business will likely experience a situation where an employee slips, falls, or injures himself when lifting.
This type of insurance is required in most states, including California (California Workers’ Comp insurance)—and it is very important for both your business compliance requirements and for your employees’ recovery from an injury. When you understand your state’s laws and your coverage options, you can solve two things at once—meet your compliance obligations and protect your employees from on the job accidents.
What to expect for your coverage
A Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy typically covers employee lost wages and medical benefits. It also will give the employee access to experienced, caring professionals at every phase of their recovery process.
Let’s tailor your coverage
The amount and type of coverage depend on the kind of business you run. We can tailor make what is most important to you and the amount of risk you want to plan for.
When you understand the applicable regulations and identifying coverage options, you reduce the risks to your organization. We are here to help you become informed so you can meet your compliance requirements and lower your costs. Our goal is to protect your employees and reduce your compliance risks, all at once.