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Construction Industry

Let’s protect the Future of Your Business

Keep your business up and running

What defines the construction industry? The construction industry is one of the fastest growing and complicated segments in the insurance market. It is important for contractors, developers, and subcontractors to identify the risks associated with the each new project and make sure that the policy terms and limits are adequate to cover any potential losses and liabilities.

Why is risk management important? The importance of construction insurance is risk management. As any construction professional knows, the construction business is inherently risky and proper coverage is key to your success as a business. There are three main types of loss in any construction project:

  1. Damage to the project or property
  2. Injury (personal or financial) to people involved in the project
  3. Financial losses or lost profits to contractors or owners due to interruption or delays during construction

Any of these losses can turn a profitable, good project into a disaster and it’s important to cover your bases in getting the right coverage to avoid the abundance of risks in this sector.

Services Provided

We offer a comprehensive policy review including commercial general liability, umbrella coverage, builder’s risk policy, worker’s compensation, professional liability, and contractor’s pollution coverage. We use these key components to customize the right plan for each project so you have the right coverage and a competitive rate.

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